It is normal for your account to build up credit over time. When this happens, the credit is used towards your future usage. If you would like to get a refund, we may ask you to submit a meter reading so we can make sure your balance is accurate. If your account is in credit, we will refund the money.
Please note:
We will refund the credit you are owed directly back into your bank account, so please do not cancel it.
If you have moved your business address or changed supplier, we will send you a final bill. It will tell you if we owe you money and how we will send it back to you.
We will need to ensure your credit is accurate before refunding it. If you have moved your business address, take a meter reading before you go so, we can work out exactly what we owe you. Or if you have moved to a new supplier, give them a meter reading on the day your supply starts with them. They will send this over to us and we will work out how much you are owed based on that. This process can take up to six weeks.
If you have already had a refund but it does not look quite right; please get in touch. It will be handy if you can have your details to hand (including the meter readings you took when you moved your business address or switched supplier).